12:30 PM12:30

Inquiry with Flint Sparks

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 83387135210

12:30 - 1:30 PM Central time

Inquiry is an opportunity to ask practice questions and open to the Great Mystery in a supportive practice environment. In this open and intimate group setting, we can learn from each other and learn with each other by engaging the teacher in the questions and issues we are wrestling with in our practice of everyday living. Everyone is welcome.

Inquiry is held via Zoom and audio/video recordings are made of the sessions. These recordings are placed on a public channel on YouTube and Soundcloud. If you would not like your session to be posted please send a message to and we’ll remove it.

Appamada and Flint are supported by your generosity. Thank you for contributing to keep bringing these teachings to the world.

Contributions to Appamada:

Contributions for Flint::

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12:30 PM12:30

Inquiry with Flint Sparks

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 83387135210

12:30 - 1:30 PM Central time

Inquiry is an opportunity to ask practice questions and open to the Great Mystery in a supportive practice environment. In this open and intimate group setting, we can learn from each other and learn with each other by engaging the teacher in the questions and issues we are wrestling with in our practice of everyday living. Everyone is welcome.

Inquiry is held via Zoom and audio/video recordings are made of the sessions. These recordings are placed on a public channel on YouTube and Soundcloud. If you would not like your session to be posted please send a message to and we’ll remove it.

Appamada and Flint are supported by your generosity. Thank you for contributing to keep bringing these teachings to the world.

Contributions to Appamada:

Contributions for Flint::

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12:30 PM12:30

Inquiry with Flint Sparks

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 83387135210

12:30 - 1:30 PM Central time

Inquiry is an opportunity to ask practice questions and open to the Great Mystery in a supportive practice environment. In this open and intimate group setting, we can learn from each other and learn with each other by engaging the teacher in the questions and issues we are wrestling with in our practice of everyday living. Everyone is welcome.

Inquiry is held via Zoom and audio/video recordings are made of the sessions. These recordings are placed on a public channel on YouTube and Soundcloud. If you would not like your session to be posted please send a message to and we’ll remove it.

Appamada and Flint are supported by your generosity. Thank you for contributing to keep bringing these teachings to the world.

Contributions to Appamada:

Contributions for Flint::

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12:30 PM12:30

Inquiry with Flint Sparks

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 83387135210

12:30 - 1:30 PM Central time

Inquiry is an opportunity to ask practice questions and open to the Great Mystery in a supportive practice environment. In this open and intimate group setting, we can learn from each other and learn with each other by engaging the teacher in the questions and issues we are wrestling with in our practice of everyday living. Everyone is welcome.

Inquiry is held via Zoom and audio/video recordings are made of the sessions. These recordings are placed on a public channel on YouTube and Soundcloud. If you would not like your session to be posted please send a message to and we’ll remove it.

Appamada and Flint are supported by your generosity. Thank you for contributing to keep bringing these teachings to the world.

Contributions to Appamada:

Contributions for Flint::

View Event →
12:30 PM12:30

Inquiry with Flint Sparks

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 83387135210

12:30 - 1:30 PM Central time

Inquiry is an opportunity to ask practice questions and open to the Great Mystery in a supportive practice environment. In this open and intimate group setting, we can learn from each other and learn with each other by engaging the teacher in the questions and issues we are wrestling with in our practice of everyday living. Everyone is welcome.

Inquiry is held via Zoom and audio/video recordings are made of the sessions. These recordings are placed on a public channel on YouTube and Soundcloud. If you would not like your session to be posted please send a message to and we’ll remove it.

Appamada and Flint are supported by your generosity. Thank you for contributing to keep bringing these teachings to the world.

Contributions to Appamada:

Contributions for Flint::

View Event →
12:30 PM12:30

Inquiry with Flint Sparks

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 83387135210

12:30 - 1:30 PM Central time

Inquiry is an opportunity to ask practice questions and open to the Great Mystery in a supportive practice environment. In this open and intimate group setting, we can learn from each other and learn with each other by engaging the teacher in the questions and issues we are wrestling with in our practice of everyday living. Everyone is welcome.

Inquiry is held via Zoom and audio/video recordings are made of the sessions. These recordings are placed on a public channel on YouTube and Soundcloud. If you would not like your session to be posted please send a message to and we’ll remove it.

Appamada and Flint are supported by your generosity. Thank you for contributing to keep bringing these teachings to the world.

Contributions to Appamada:

Contributions for Flint::

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to Oct 20

Just This Zen Community

  • Google Calendar ICS

Autumn in Person Retreat with Evenings Online 
More information:

Led by Josh Gifford and Trudy Johnston
with Flint Sparks online from Hawaii in the evening

3 Days: Friday 18th - Sunday 20th October 2024
with Flint Sparks online from Hawaii in the evening

Let the beauty we love be what we do
Today, like every other day, we wake up empty
and frightened. Don’t open the door to the study
and begin reading. Take down a musical instrument.
Let the beauty we love be what we do.
There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.
― Rumi

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12:30 PM12:30

Inquiry with Flint Sparks

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 83387135210

12:30 - 1:30 PM Central time

Inquiry is an opportunity to ask practice questions and open to the Great Mystery in a supportive practice environment. In this open and intimate group setting, we can learn from each other and learn with each other by engaging the teacher in the questions and issues we are wrestling with in our practice of everyday living. Everyone is welcome.

Inquiry is held via Zoom and audio/video recordings are made of the sessions. These recordings are placed on a public channel on YouTube and Soundcloud. If you would not like your session to be posted please send a message to and we’ll remove it.

Appamada and Flint are supported by your generosity. Thank you for contributing to keep bringing these teachings to the world.

Contributions to Appamada:

Contributions for Flint::

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to Oct 12

The Koan of Your Life: Living Encounters and Awakening Now 

This is the only retreat Flint Sparks will be teaching in person for the remainder of 2024. Contact: or Website: for more infomation.

Register here:

The retreat will be held in person in St. Paul, MN and online.  

The retreat takes place October 10-12, from 8-5 daily. 

Here is the retreat description:

The Zen path describes itself with a fourfold phrase:

A distinct transmission beyond collected teachings,

Not established on words and language.

Directly pointing to the heartmind,

Encounter original nature and enact awake awareness—Be Buddha!

The path to wakefulness and liberation is relational—relating to oneself, with one another, with teachers. And with the objects, circumstances, and actions of everyday living. We can bring forth inherent freedom in each moment, relating and responding to life as it is, with natural wisdom and spontaneous compassion. Giving ourselves fully in this way, we can encounter, recognize, enact, and reveal what Zen calls our “original nature.”

The Zen tradition has handed down to us scraps of story which serve as encouraging evidence that this kind of relational awakening and living is possible. These enlightening stories are poetic distillations that reveal—and can offer to us—moments of liberating realization. Teachers present these encounter dialogues as skillful means to tease and invite the mind and heart to loosen the grip on habitual hindrances. Engaging these stories helps us meet life with free- flowing immediacy. But first they help us see where we are stuck in our conditioned answers to life. And where we are stuck is precisely where we encounter and realize freedom.

In this retreat, we’ll meet four of these stories and the fourfold phrase of Zen above. We’ll plunge into this way of relating through zazen and other Zen forms of moving, living, and loving together. We’ll enact it through silence and through dharma teaching, discussion, and activity.

Please join us as we encounter it together.

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12:30 PM12:30

Inquiry with Flint Sparks

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 83387135210

12:30 - 1:30 PM Central time

Inquiry is an opportunity to ask practice questions and open to the Great Mystery in a supportive practice environment. In this open and intimate group setting, we can learn from each other and learn with each other by engaging the teacher in the questions and issues we are wrestling with in our practice of everyday living. Everyone is welcome.

Inquiry is held via Zoom and audio/video recordings are made of the sessions. These recordings are placed on a public channel on YouTube and Soundcloud. If you would not like your session to be posted please send a message to and we’ll remove it.

Appamada and Flint are supported by your generosity. Thank you for contributing to keep bringing these teachings to the world.

Contributions to Appamada:

Contributions for Flint::

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12:30 PM12:30

Inquiry with Flint Sparks

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 83387135210

12:30 - 1:30 PM Central time

Inquiry is an opportunity to ask practice questions and open to the Great Mystery in a supportive practice environment. In this open and intimate group setting, we can learn from each other and learn with each other by engaging the teacher in the questions and issues we are wrestling with in our practice of everyday living. Everyone is welcome.

Inquiry is held via Zoom and audio/video recordings are made of the sessions. These recordings are placed on a public channel on YouTube and Soundcloud. If you would not like your session to be posted please send a message to and we’ll remove it.

Appamada and Flint are supported by your generosity. Thank you for contributing to keep bringing these teachings to the world.

Contributions to Appamada:

Contributions for Flint::

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12:30 PM12:30

Inquiry with Flint Sparks

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 83387135210

12:30 - 1:30 PM Central time

Inquiry is an opportunity to ask practice questions and open to the Great Mystery in a supportive practice environment. In this open and intimate group setting, we can learn from each other and learn with each other by engaging the teacher in the questions and issues we are wrestling with in our practice of everyday living. Everyone is welcome.

Inquiry is held via Zoom and audio/video recordings are made of the sessions. These recordings are placed on a public channel on YouTube and Soundcloud. If you would not like your session to be posted please send a message to and we’ll remove it.

Appamada and Flint are supported by your generosity. Thank you for contributing to keep bringing these teachings to the world.

Contributions to Appamada:

Contributions for Flint::

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12:30 PM12:30

Inquiry with Flint Sparks

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 83387135210

12:30 - 1:30 PM Central time

Inquiry is an opportunity to ask practice questions and open to the Great Mystery in a supportive practice environment. In this open and intimate group setting, we can learn from each other and learn with each other by engaging the teacher in the questions and issues we are wrestling with in our practice of everyday living. Everyone is welcome.

Inquiry is held via Zoom and audio/video recordings are made of the sessions. These recordings are placed on a public channel on YouTube and Soundcloud. If you would not like your session to be posted please send a message to and we’ll remove it.

Appamada and Flint are supported by your generosity. Thank you for contributing to keep bringing these teachings to the world.

Contributions to Appamada:

Contributions for Flint::

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12:30 PM12:30

Inquiry with Flint Sparks

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 83387135210

12:30 - 1:30 PM Central time

Inquiry is an opportunity to ask practice questions and open to the Great Mystery in a supportive practice environment. In this open and intimate group setting, we can learn from each other and learn with each other by engaging the teacher in the questions and issues we are wrestling with in our practice of everyday living. Everyone is welcome.

Inquiry is held via Zoom and audio/video recordings are made of the sessions. These recordings are placed on a public channel on YouTube and Soundcloud. If you would not like your session to be posted please send a message to and we’ll remove it.

Appamada and Flint are supported by your generosity. Thank you for contributing to keep bringing these teachings to the world.

Contributions to Appamada:

Contributions for Flint::

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12:30 PM12:30

Inquiry with Flint Sparks

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 83387135210

12:30 - 1:30 PM Central time

Inquiry is an opportunity to ask practice questions and open to the Great Mystery in a supportive practice environment. In this open and intimate group setting, we can learn from each other and learn with each other by engaging the teacher in the questions and issues we are wrestling with in our practice of everyday living. Everyone is welcome.

Inquiry is held via Zoom and audio/video recordings are made of the sessions. These recordings are placed on a public channel on YouTube and Soundcloud. If you would not like your session to be posted please send a message to and we’ll remove it.

Appamada and Flint are supported by your generosity. Thank you for contributing to keep bringing these teachings to the world.

Contributions to Appamada:

Contributions for Flint::

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to Jul 26

Growing Up and Waking Up: Applied Mindfulness in Psychotherapy and Buddhist Practice

  • Google Calendar ICS

15-Hour Course
Flint Sparks, PhD
Monday-Friday: 9:00 am to 12:30 pm EDT / 30-Minute Break Daily

Course Description and Link for Registration

Course Description:

Everyone wants to be free from unnecessary suffering. This was the Buddha’s only concern and every practice he taught served to encourage the liberation of a clear mind and a warm heart. The relief of emotional suffering is also the focus of contemporary psychotherapy and the wide range of techniques now available all serve this important goal. How are we, then, to understand these ancient mindfulness practices alongside the new and very potent methods for emotional and relational healing? Both approaches are profoundly transformative and when skillfully woven together they pave the way for increased vitality and a deeper sense of peace, freeing the burden of unnecessary suffering. Such an integrated approach shows us how to grow up and wake up to who and what we truly are. This week will be geared toward understanding the function of mindfulness as the core practice that links both paths to greater wellbeing. Each day we will explore these integrated teachings and actively engage in mindful practices to experientially taste their potential.

Throughout the week we will explore the foundational Buddhist teachings on mindfulness found in the Sattipathana Sutra. We will also be drawing heavily on two methods of contemporary psychotherapy — Hakomi and Internal Family Systems. These remarkably skillful approaches weave together applied mindfulness with an understanding of the multiplicity of mind in ways that reveal the Buddha’s teachings as practical tools for personal and relational transformation. We will examine the ways in which our everyday sense of “self” emerges and is sustained, how the contraction of conditioning leads to unnecessary suffering, how assisted self-discovery in mindfulness opens us beyond our habits toward greater possibilities for freedom, and how being led from the deepest source of wisdom and compassion supports practical human maturity. Along with reviewing the foundations of these two therapeutic models, our investigation will touch on perspectives from child development, attachment theory, interpersonal neurobiology, and contemplative psychology. Ultimately, we will investigate the ways that attention to relationality and mutual care opens the way to a life of freedom and joy.

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12:30 PM12:30

Inquiry with Flint Sparks

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 83387135210

12:30 - 1:30 PM Central time

Inquiry is an opportunity to ask practice questions and open to the Great Mystery in a supportive practice environment. In this open and intimate group setting, we can learn from each other and learn with each other by engaging the teacher in the questions and issues we are wrestling with in our practice of everyday living. Everyone is welcome.

Inquiry is held via Zoom and audio/video recordings are made of the sessions. These recordings are placed on a public channel on YouTube and Soundcloud. If you would not like your session to be posted please send a message to and we’ll remove it.

Appamada and Flint are supported by your generosity. Thank you for contributing to keep bringing these teachings to the world.

Contributions to Appamada:

Contributions for Flint::

View Event →
12:30 PM12:30

Inquiry with Flint Sparks

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 83387135210

12:30 - 1:30 PM Central time

Inquiry is an opportunity to ask practice questions and open to the Great Mystery in a supportive practice environment. In this open and intimate group setting, we can learn from each other and learn with each other by engaging the teacher in the questions and issues we are wrestling with in our practice of everyday living. Everyone is welcome.

Inquiry is held via Zoom and audio/video recordings are made of the sessions. These recordings are placed on a public channel on YouTube. If you would not like your video session to be posted please send a message to and we’ll remove it.

Appamada and Flint are supported by your generosity. Thank you for contributing to keep bringing these teachings to the world.

Contributions to Appamada:

Contributions for Flint::

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12:30 PM12:30

Inquiry with Flint Sparks

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 83387135210

12:30 - 1:30 PM Central time

Inquiry is an opportunity to ask practice questions and open to the Great Mystery in a supportive practice environment. In this open and intimate group setting, we can learn from each other and learn with each other by engaging the teacher in the questions and issues we are wrestling with in our practice of everyday living. Everyone is welcome.

Inquiry is held via Zoom and audio/video recordings are made of the sessions. These recordings are placed on a public channel on YouTube. If you would not like your video session to be posted please send a message to and we’ll remove it.

Appamada and Flint are supported by your generosity. Thank you for contributing to keep bringing these teachings to the world.

Contributions to Appamada:

Contributions for Flint::

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12:30 PM12:30

Inquiry with Flint Sparks

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 83387135210

12:30 - 1:30 PM Central time

Inquiry is an opportunity to ask practice questions and open to the Great Mystery in a supportive practice environment. In this open and intimate group setting, we can learn from each other and learn with each other by engaging the teacher in the questions and issues we are wrestling with in our practice of everyday living. Everyone is welcome.

Inquiry is held via Zoom and audio/video recordings are made of the sessions. These recordings are placed on a public channel on YouTube. If you would not like your video session to be posted please send a message to and we’ll remove it.

Appamada and Flint are supported by your generosity. Thank you for contributing to keep bringing these teachings to the world.

Contributions to Appamada:

Contributions for Flint::

View Event →
12:30 PM12:30

Inquiry with Flint Sparks

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 83387135210

12:30 - 1:30 PM Central time

Inquiry is an opportunity to ask practice questions and open to the Great Mystery in a supportive practice environment. In this open and intimate group setting, we can learn from each other and learn with each other by engaging the teacher in the questions and issues we are wrestling with in our practice of everyday living. Everyone is welcome.

Inquiry is held via Zoom and audio/video recordings are made of the sessions. These recordings are placed on a public channel on YouTube. If you would not like your video session to be posted please send a message to and we’ll remove it.

Appamada and Flint are supported by your generosity. Thank you for contributing to keep bringing these teachings to the world.

Contributions to Appamada:

Contributions for Flint::

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to May 15

Weaving the Ancient Brocade with Trudy, Josh and Flint

Just This Spring Residential Retreat with Evening Participation online

We have spaces for Online Participation, please do scroll down for more information.  It would be lovely to see some of you there 

Led by Josh Gifford and Trudy Johnston
with Flint Sparks online from Hawaii in the evening

5 Day Residential: Saturday 11th - Thurs 16th May 2024

3 Evenings Online: Monday 13th - Wednesday 15th May 2024

Weaving the Ancient Brocade
Continuously creation runs her loom and shuttle
Weaving the ancient brocade, incorporating the forms of spring

—Tiantong Zongjue

We are delighted to invite you to the beautiful surroundings of Sheldon, when the woods will be carpeted with bluebells, for our first residential retreat for four years.

Sheldon Centre, Sheldon Lane, Doddiscombsleigh, Exeter, Devon EX6 7YT

Pricing: We offer three price points for both the Residential and the Online participation.

We hope that the mid price point will cover all our costs; the higher pricing point incorporates a donation to support the lower price point offered. 

5 Day Residential

Arrival: Saturday 11th May, 4-5pm
Departure: Thursday 16th May, 4pm

Price: £500, £625, £750.

Deposit: Non-returnable deposit of £100 if the retreat goes ahead.

Financial assistance: There is a bursary fund available for anyone who wishes to apply. Please email us with details of your request at the address below and select this option on the Registration Form. We will review all requests received and contact you individually with what we are able to offer. We appreciate that some people travel from afar and have to pay for accommodation and we do not want this to prevent you from attending the retreat.

3 Evenings Online

Dates: Monday 13th -  Wednesday 15th

Timing: 7.30-9.00pm

Price: £50, £60 or £70.

Payment: Please pay in full on registration, non-returnable if retreat goes ahead.

Registration: Please click on the link below to complete the registration form:

2024 Retreat Registration

Confirmation: Once you have registered you will receive a confirmation email with payment details. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at

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12:30 PM12:30

Inquiry with Flint Sparks

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 83387135210

12:30 - 1:30 PM Central time

Inquiry is an opportunity to ask practice questions and open to the Great Mystery in a supportive practice environment. In this open and intimate group setting, we can learn from each other and learn with each other by engaging the teacher in the questions and issues we are wrestling with in our practice of everyday living. Everyone is welcome.

Inquiry is held via Zoom and audio/video recordings are made of the sessions. These recordings are placed on a public channel on YouTube. If you would not like your video session to be posted please send a message to and we’ll remove it.

Appamada and Flint are supported by your generosity. Thank you for contributing to keep bringing these teachings to the world.

Contributions to Appamada:

Contributions for Flint::

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12:30 PM12:30

Inquiry with Flint Sparks

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 83387135210

12:30 - 1:30 PM Central time

Inquiry is an opportunity to ask practice questions and open to the Great Mystery in a supportive practice environment. In this open and intimate group setting, we can learn from each other and learn with each other by engaging the teacher in the questions and issues we are wrestling with in our practice of everyday living. Everyone is welcome.

Inquiry is held via Zoom and audio/video recordings are made of the sessions. These recordings are placed on a public channel on YouTube. If you would not like your video session to be posted please send a message to and we’ll remove it.

Appamada and Flint are supported by your generosity. Thank you for contributing to keep bringing these teachings to the world.

Contributions to Appamada:

Contributions for Flint::

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to Apr 14

Sitting Down and Standing Up: Being Practice in the World

  • Google Calendar ICS

A Meditation Retreat led by Flint Sparks

with entrusted teacher, Suzanne Kilkus

Wednesday April 10, 7p to Sunday April 14, 12p

We sit down to realize our true nature, undivided and full of compassion and care. We stand up and walk into a world which is so divided and fraught. Sitting down and standing up, we train to embody and express our true nature as bodhisattvas in an apparently fractured world. How does silent sitting benefit the world? How does struggling against endless human greed, hate and delusion make any difference? These are the kinds of questions we will address in our spring retreat while keeping in mind that all practice is engaged practice. There are no practices which do not benefit the whole world. There are actually no individual practices, however they may appear. This retreat is an investigation into the larger view of the totality of practice, the great unbroken circle of the way.

Flint is a Zen teacher and former psychologist, dedicated to assisting people in the unending path of growing up and waking up. An experienced therapist and a master teacher, Flint's teachings bridge the fields of traditional Buddhist practice and the psychology of awakening. Most recently he has extended his work into the contemplative arts, especially photography. In whatever capacity, his vow is to help soften barriers to love. In addition to serving as the Guiding Teacher for Open Door Zen Community in Madison, Wisconsin, Flint remains a senior teacher at Appamada in Austin, Texas, and is also a guiding teacher to the Just This consortium of sanghas across the UK. For more information, visit

A student of Flint’s for 20 years and a member of Open Door Zen Community since its inception in 2014, Suzanne received teacher entrustment from Flint Sparks and Peg Syverson in October of 2020 and was installed as the resident teacher of Open Door Zen Community in April of 2023. As a teacher and spiritual guide her intention is to encourage the expression of Basic Goodness in each person and the community and support the unique offerings of compassion, love, and wisdom. She is a retired psychotherapist specializing in marriage and family counseling for over 35 years. She assisted individuals, couples, and families in restoring love as the basis for making their life enhancing choices and decisions.

Join us in person - as a resident or commuter -  at Holy Wisdom Monastery, 

4200 County Highway M, Middleton, WI 53562.

Or, join us online.

The cost for the retreat is $420 to attend in person, or $200 to attend online. ODZC is committed to financially accessible teachings, so please pay what you can based on your circumstances.

Refunds less a $20 fee are available through Tuesday, March 26, 2024. See the Cancellation Policy.

Please note that the retreat dharma talks will be recorded.

Please carefully review the covid policy for in person participation.

To register for this hybrid retreat please follow this link:

ODZC Spring 2024 Retreat Registration

To reserve a room at Holy Wisdom Monastery, please email Brooke Livingston

In the subject line of the email type  ‘ODZC April Retreat room request’. In the body, include your first and last name, phone number, email, billing address and dates if different than those of the retreat. 

To preview room rates visit Holy Wisdom Monastery’s personal retreat page.

Mostly single and a few double rooms (2 single beds) are available.

Residential space is limited to 21 people so when booking a double room please consider a roommate.

Rooms are held for ODZC participants until March 10.

After that, they will also be available to the general public.

For more information about Open Door Zen Community, visit 

For questions email

ODZC Spring Retreat 2024: Sitting Down and Standing Up: Being Practice in the World

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12:30 PM12:30

Inquiry with Flint Sparks

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 83387135210

12:30 - 1:30 PM Central time

Inquiry is an opportunity to ask practice questions and open to the Great Mystery in a supportive practice environment. In this open and intimate group setting, we can learn from each other and learn with each other by engaging the teacher in the questions and issues we are wrestling with in our practice of everyday living. Everyone is welcome.

Inquiry is held via Zoom and audio/video recordings are made of the sessions. These recordings are placed on a public channel on YouTube. If you would not like your video session to be posted please send a message to and we’ll remove it.

Appamada and Flint are supported by your generosity. Thank you for contributing to keep bringing these teachings to the world.

Contributions to Appamada:

Contributions for Flint::

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12:30 PM12:30

Inquiry with Flint Sparks

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 83387135210

12:30 - 1:30 PM Central time

Inquiry is an opportunity to ask practice questions and open to the Great Mystery in a supportive practice environment. In this open and intimate group setting, we can learn from each other and learn with each other by engaging the teacher in the questions and issues we are wrestling with in our practice of everyday living. Everyone is welcome.

Inquiry is held via Zoom and audio/video recordings are made of the sessions. These recordings are placed on a public channel on YouTube. If you would not like your video session to be posted please send a message to and we’ll remove it.

Appamada and Flint are supported by your generosity. Thank you for contributing to keep bringing these teachings to the world.

Contributions to Appamada:

Contributions for Flint::

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12:30 PM12:30

Inquiry with Flint Sparks

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 83387135210

12:30 - 1:30 PM Central time

Inquiry is an opportunity to ask practice questions and open to the Great Mystery in a supportive practice environment. In this open and intimate group setting, we can learn from each other and learn with each other by engaging the teacher in the questions and issues we are wrestling with in our practice of everyday living. Everyone is welcome.

Inquiry is held via Zoom and audio/video recordings are made of the sessions. These recordings are placed on a public channel on YouTube. If you would not like your video session to be posted please send a message to and we’ll remove it.

Appamada and Flint are supported by your generosity. Thank you for contributing to keep bringing these teachings to the world.

Contributions to Appamada:

Contributions for Flint::

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12:30 PM12:30

Inquiry with Flint Sparks

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 83387135210

12:30 - 1:30 PM Central time

Inquiry is an opportunity to ask practice questions and open to the Great Mystery in a supportive practice environment. In this open and intimate group setting, we can learn from each other and learn with each other by engaging the teacher in the questions and issues we are wrestling with in our practice of everyday living. Everyone is welcome.

Inquiry is held via Zoom and audio/video recordings are made of the sessions. These recordings are placed on a public channel on YouTube. If you would not like your video session to be posted please send a message to and we’ll remove it.

Appamada and Flint are supported by your generosity. Thank you for contributing to keep bringing these teachings to the world.

Contributions to Appamada:

Contributions for Flint::

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