A Meditation Retreat led by Flint Sparks
with entrusted teacher, Suzanne Kilkus
Wednesday April 10, 7p to Sunday April 14, 12p
We sit down to realize our true nature, undivided and full of compassion and care. We stand up and walk into a world which is so divided and fraught. Sitting down and standing up, we train to embody and express our true nature as bodhisattvas in an apparently fractured world. How does silent sitting benefit the world? How does struggling against endless human greed, hate and delusion make any difference? These are the kinds of questions we will address in our spring retreat while keeping in mind that all practice is engaged practice. There are no practices which do not benefit the whole world. There are actually no individual practices, however they may appear. This retreat is an investigation into the larger view of the totality of practice, the great unbroken circle of the way.
Join us in person - as a resident or commuter - at Holy Wisdom Monastery,
4200 County Highway M, Middleton, WI 53562.
Or, join us online.
The cost for the retreat is $420 to attend in person, or $200 to attend online. ODZC is committed to financially accessible teachings, so please pay what you can based on your circumstances.
Refunds less a $20 fee are available through Tuesday, March 26, 2024. See the Cancellation Policy.
Please note that the retreat dharma talks will be recorded.
Please carefully review the covid policy for in person participation.
To register for this hybrid retreat please follow this link:
ODZC Spring 2024 Retreat Registration
To reserve a room at Holy Wisdom Monastery, please email Brooke Livingston blivingston@holywisdommonastery.org
In the subject line of the email type ‘ODZC April Retreat room request’. In the body, include your first and last name, phone number, email, billing address and dates if different than those of the retreat.
To preview room rates visit Holy Wisdom Monastery’s personal retreat page.
Mostly single and a few double rooms (2 single beds) are available.
Residential space is limited to 21 people so when booking a double room please consider a roommate.
Rooms are held for ODZC participants until March 10.
After that, they will also be available to the general public.
For more information about Open Door Zen Community, visit opendoorzencommunity.org
For questions email opendoorzencommunity@gmail.com
ODZC Spring Retreat 2024: Sitting Down and Standing Up: Being Practice in the World