- In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities; in the expert’s mind there are few -
This is one of the most famous quotations in all of contemporary Zen. It was offered by a transplanted Japanese Zen monk speaking to a very small group of his American students in 1965. The teachings of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi have continued to inspire Zen students for more than 50 years and the small volume of his talks, Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, has helped shape the expression of Zen practice in the West.
In this retreat, renowned contemporary Zen teacher Flint Sparks will lead us through a truthful and gentle exploration of our own “beginner’s mind” by revisiting the classic teachings of Suzuki Roshi, and investigating their relevance in our lives today.
Originally divided into three sections emphasizing Right Practice, Right Attitude, and Right Understanding, Suzuki Roshi’s teachings focus on practicing with the body, thoughts and feelings, and wisdom. We will follow this sequence, sampling from the talks and exploring how to apply the teachings for ourselves. Each day of the retreat will include alternating periods of sitting and walking meditation, dharma talks, and some form of practice discussion with the teacher. The retreat will be primarily held in silence.
Friday night there will be a free public talk that will be open to everyone.
Copies of Zen Mind, Beginners Mind will be on sale in our bookstore, or you can bring your own copy.
Please also bring a vegetarian lunch for Saturday’s all-day session.
Saturday, 3/21, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm - retreat with brown bag lunch on site
Sunday, 3/22, 9:00 am to 12:00 noon - retreat
Cost: $150 and a limited number of partial scholarships is available.
Contact: Judith Elane 501-912-1191, Elanejudith@gmail.com
Register here. Space is limited and early registration is strongly encouraged.