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Welcome Everything. Push Away Nothing: An Online Integrated Intensive

Barn’s burnt down—


I can see the moon.

    ~ Mizuta Masahide

It feels as if the floor has dropped out and the sky continues to fall all around us. Now what? The practice invitation to welcome everything and push away nothing seems like an almost impossible challenge. We may feel cheated or robbed of what we thought we were promised in this life. We may be overwhelmed by disbelief, grief, confusion, and anger. In our shaky vulnerability, how do we meet what is arising and how do we help each other through the relentless challenges?

The practice of welcome does not mean we like or approve of what is happening. It is not our job to approve or disapprove. Our practice is to cultivate and develop a capacity to surrender control, to listen, and to pay careful attention to the ever changing experience. Doing so, we might discover an opening to a kind of fearless receptivity. In this we can meet our basic goodness, the ground of being and right action – a continuous discovery of new and unexplored territory. We are never sure of the outcomes. Courage and flexibility to persevere are needed. Fortunately we have each other. Our lives together are a shared journey of turning toward everything — opening, risking, and forgiving constantly.

Watching the moon at dawn,

solitary, mid-sky,

I knew myself completely:

no part left out.

    ~ Izumi Shikibu

To register for the Integrated Intensive go to Open Door Zen Community’s website Donate page at:

To register for the Integrated Intensive go to ODZ’s website Donate page at:

The suggested payment for the entire Integrated Intensive is a range of $1 to $60.

Use the Donate button to make a payment. You’ll receive an email confirmation from ODZ within a day.

For questions or to ask about alternate ways to register email

Registration is open through Monday, April 20.

The suggested payment for the entire Integrated Intensive is a range of $1 to $60.

Use the Donate button to make a payment. You’ll receive an email confirmation from ODZ within a day.

For questions or to ask about alternate ways to register email

Registration is open through Monday, April 20.